
Get Involved

Geer Village Senior Community acknowledges that volunteers contribute in many ways, that their contribution is unique and that volunteering can benefit residents, staff, the community and volunteers themselves. We value the contributions made by volunteers, and are committed to involving them in appropriate positions and in ways which are encouraging, supportive and develop volunteering.

While the volunteer role is a gift relationship, and volunteers offer time freely and willingly without obligation, there is a presumption of mutual support and reliability. All volunteers will be assigned to a paid staff supervisor and will receive appropriate orientation, training and supervision.

Through volunteers we can increase the level of interest and commitment to Geer’s mission, increase collaborative relationships, potential contributors and ultimately the number of individuals and families we can assist. Our volunteers:

  • demonstrate their commitment to Geer Village
  • make a difference in their community
  • socialize and meet people while volunteering
  • gain skills or utilize existing skills
  • keep active

Due to State licensing and our work with a vulnerable populations we take our relationship with volunteers very seriously so there is a multi-step process that must be followed as outlined below.

  1. Initial screening form (this form which can completed on line or on paper and available from the Receptionist)
  2. Screening Phone call with Volunteer Coordinator or Development Director
  3. A Full application
  4. Interview with Recreation Director or appropriate Department Head
  5. Background Screening
  6. Orientation and Assignment

Types of Volunteer Roles

Program Level Roles
  • Activities Leaders/Assistants –
    arts & crafts, music, reading, games etc.
  • Gardening Assistant
  • Technology Assistant
  • Transport Assistants
  • Pet Therapy
  • Medical Transport – volunteer drivers
  • Store Kiosk Volunteer
  • Mens Club leaders
  • Womens Club leaders
  • Waiters
  • Clergy
  • Companions
Governance Level Roles
  • Board of Director member, Advisory Board member, Committee member
    Administrative level roles
  • Fundraising or Communications assistant – help with mailings, data entry, write stories, video/audio
  • Host an event or fundraising activity


For more information contact Stacie Nicholas, Development Director at snicholas@geercares.org or (860) 824-2618. If you are interested in hosting a fundraising activity or event to benefit Geer Village Senior Community please complete this short inquiry form: