Go Geer is available on-demand, typically within 30 minutes of when the ride is requested, for elderly and disabled individuals so they can access non-emergency medical and basic needs that are unable to be scheduled ahead of time.
Go Geer

Go Geer provides on-demand transportation in the northwest corner of Connecticut for elderly and disabled individuals so they can access non-emergency medical and basic needs that are unable to be scheduled ahead of time. Drivers arrive typically within 30 minutes of when the ride is requested.
Access to non-emergency medical and basic needs within 30 minutes
Instructions on Using Go Geer
Using our Go Geer transportation service is easy. Click below to get started.
Requesting Rides
Please call (860) 453-4800 to see if you qualify and register for the program. Once you are registered you may call any time up to 30 minutes prior to needing the ride. In the future, you may be able to use the Uber app to request your rides.
Geer transportation services are currently limited to individuals who are over the age of 60 and/or are disabled. Service is not available for patients/residents of long term care facilities.
Call To Request A Ride
(860) 453-4800
Go Geer Hours
Operates Monday – Friday
7:00 am – 5:00 pm
Hours may adjust based on demonstrated need of the riders or service area.
Go Geer Service Area
Only serves a very specific area that connects parts of Torrington and parts of Winsted, centered around the downtown areas and where most medical providers and senior housing is located. Call for more specifics.
We have done our best to include most residential areas, especially low-income congregate senior housing and healthcare facilities. This may be updated as we operate the service and learn more.

Geer's Dial-a-Ride provides rides that require to be scheduled at least 48 hours in advance
The Geer Go transportation service is funded in parts by the State of CT, Dept. of Health via the CT Office of Rural Health, the Northwest CT Community Foundation, Northwest Hill Council of Government, the Western CT Area Agency on Aging.